In Conclusion to our Petition Drive –

by | Jun 4, 2022 | Recent News

Friends and Family in Michigan,

Its June 3rd, a few months ago I was hoping to be writing a very different letter to you all. We ended up extremely short of our goal.  In the end I received less than 5,000 petitions and many of those petitions were not complete.  If we assume the average of each petition sheet had 5 signatures that means we ended up with less than 25,000 signatures in total.  We needed in excess of 400,000 signatures.

The past week I have been feeling very down.  I poured my heart and soul into this petition, I worked sometimes 16 hours a day and almost always 7 days a week starting the end of February. And without a salary or really any income. I don’t know if I have ever worked on anything harder in my whole life. Words can not express how much I wanted us to pull this off and restore our duly elected President Trump to the White House.  I know many of you feel the same way.  I know many of you worked very hard also, Randy even moved back to Michigan from Nevada to volunteer and help run this effort!

I would rather not relive all that I have endured these three or four months working on this petition.  I have never experienced more betrayal and heart-break in such a short period of time ever in my whole life.  My lawyer stole 60,000 petitions from me at the beginning of the petition drive and tried to split the movement, several newspapers published hit pieces on me and our movement, ten or so “conservative” organizations throughout the state banded against us!!? If back in January you had told me what I would suffer doing this petition there is no way I would have believed you.  Some of the biggest names in election integrity came against us and did all they could to ruin our movement and my reputation altogether. What a nightmare.

It’s still very hard to understand why so many conservative and republican politicians throughout Michigan and beyond would strive against having the elected President restored to his office!? Goes to show us all that our nation is much further from righteousness and justice than we had imagined.  There is much much work to be done if we are to restore our Republic.

The best news I have for you all: There remains a very real remnant of True Patriots throughout the state of Michigan and our precious United States.  I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most alive and inspired men and women of valor over the past several months.  Because of these precious few I have had the absolute pleasure of getting to know I can honestly say it was all worth it!  All the pain, heartache, financial difficulties, betrayal and hard work – it has all been worth it to have had the honor of working with so many of you. I thank God for so many of you and I hope and pray that you know who you are – I hope I have made it clear to each and every one of you how blessed I have been to have met you.


The simple question remains, What’s next?

I have committed this question to prayer and in truth I can not say I have heard “The Answer”.  What’s next when the world is falling apart so fast? What’s next when gas prices continue to sky-rocket, food prices continue to climb, Ukraine continues to war and the whole of the GOP seems powerless in restoring the Presidency to the man who was actually elected!?  It’s a bleak and desperate hour if you ask me.  Is all hope lost?? Well, you are dealing with a man whose glass is always half-full. I have been blessed/cursed with an impenetrable optimism and unshakable faith. God has a plan.  He has a plan for each and every one of us – but I can’t say I know what that is in particular for each of us.  I hold to scriptures like, Jeremiah 29:11, and other such scriptures that promise God has a good plan for us, not to harm us but to bless us!! To give us a HOPE and a FUTURE!

Perhaps this whole journey was to show us beyond the shadow of a doubt that politics does not hold the key to fixing what is broken in this world. In fact it seems like politics has consistently only made things worse, and increasingly so. Will men rise up and stop this madness? Will there come some salvation to restore the world to back to the way it was before Covid and all this craziness began?  I hope.  But I am reminded of scriptures that say things like, Hebrews 12:26, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens” and if it pleases God to shake all the things of man, I think it would be foolish of me to constantly try to stop the shaking and bring peace.  What I mean is, perhaps this is the way these things have to go to get our attention and finally draw us into the kingdom of heaven.  If men will not stop loving iniquity and hating the goodness of God and His righteousness, what is God to do?  How will He awaken us from our slumber??

In a world, specifically our nation, wherein the unborn remain under attack, some 70 million have been slaughtered by the abortion industry since the 1970’s, why do we deserve the goodness of God poured out in our land?  Why do we deserve God’s blessing when we remain at war with Him and at war with life in general?  Choosing death and destruction for more than a generation, why are we surprised or shocked when life and life more abundantly departs from our world? The scripture says, “Choose Life, that you might live,” and yet we as a nation consistently choose what? Wealth? Career? Money and Success?

The problems facing our nation are so grievous fundamentally and terribly ingrained in that they have invaded every aspect of our culture and society it’s nearly impossible to know where to begin to fix things. The Banking Industry and Wall Street? Hospitals and the Medical Industry? Energy? The Halls of Government? Education? Hollywood and the Media!? Big Tech?  The Church?  In a world wherein everything is corrupted and broken at its very foundations where does one begin to restore life!?

I never imagined politics would be so terrible. We have all heard about the swamp, but what if the whole thing is a swamp!? What if politics as we know it in America has become one huge swamp!? We need a miracle, friends. And I’m not the miracle worker, but I know who is!!! It’s not a time to be afraid.  It’s not a time to bury our heads in the sand.  But it’s also not a time to take matters into our own hands and try to defeat this evil alone, without the hand of God.  We need Jesus.  He has always been the miracle maker and our Messiah: The Lord of all Salvation!  America needs saving and it will be Jesus, God’s only Son, who will remind us once again, He is our only Hope and He is our Savior!

When I pray often God gives me things to do.  But sometimes He doesn’t. Sometimes He can be surprisingly quiet and restful. I will continue to pray about what is next for our movement.  I still have hope in the Sheriff’s, I still have hope in some of the things we have created but before I can inspire you all for what I see is next, I need to hear more direction from the Lord.

Right now let me pray for us all as we look to Him for direction,

“Father, we trust you.  It’s hard to trust you sometimes while the whole world falls apart and we get so afraid.  But we do trust you. Increase our faith. Help us to enjoy our days with you even if it is the end of the world. Help us to show the world your love and shine your light even when we are surrounded by such black darkness. Help us to guard our hearts.  Fear wants to get in, bitterness and anger wants to take over and make us hard and heartless. Keep us close to you Father.  We want to hear your will and your plan for our lives. Help us to hear your voice, even when the world gets so loud and demanding, help us to hear your still and quiet voice. We trust you, Father. Increase our Faith that we might always walk with you, no matter what things may come. Thank you for choosing us to be born for such a time as this.  Help us to fulfill our purpose in you, our destiny, even in these last days. We love you Dad.  Thank you for choosing us.  We love you. In Jesus name.  Amen.”

I would like to continue with  I would like to dive deeper into investigations and working with the Sheriff’s to find those who stole the 2020 Presidential election from us. I will be on a series of phone calls and meetings the next week and I will be in touch.

More to come,

God Bless,

Robert Gelt




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  1. Kellie Speciale-Meyers

    May the lord bless you and keep you. I know ultimately God has a plan and I will continue to pray for my family, friends, our country and this whole world.

    • dcmi

      Amen. I agree. God has a plan. Amen. Blessings dear. Robert

  2. Mary Sobran

    It is heartbreaking to hear of the betrayal and evil you’ve had to endure. I believe it is the devil trying to destroy us. It is unbelievable
    how our lives are being impacted by the Swamp day after day.
    The meeting you called together in 4 days, held at the Taylor K of C a week or so ago, was outstanding. It was a pleasure meeting and
    speaking with Ryan Kelly. I can’t thank you enough for your hard work and efforts to correct the wrongs in our society.

    • dcmi

      You are a dear. That is very encouraging. Mary, you are a Huge Blessing to this state and beyond. You have been very faithful throughout your life and GREAT is your Reward in Heaven!! Maybe a little reward on the earth. but GREAT in Heaven! Cant wait to see you again. Love and the Best that the Lord has to offer you, in Jesus name. Love you, Robert

  3. Sharon Farin

    May God bless you abundantly! I’m one of many Michiganders who are very grateful for your tireless efforts!
    We Know that He Provides!

    • dcmi

      Thank you Sharon. A great honor to be able to serve. Its hard at times. Breaks my heart at times. But its a great reward. Thank you dear.

  4. Barbara Tonkovich

    I have felt like that, also, Robert; but I am always brought back by the Holy Spirit giving me hope and building my faith. I believe we are nearing the time of Christ coming for His Bride, I believe the Father is planning on a “great harvest” before then (not the revival during the Tribulation, with the 144,000 Jews doing what they were called to do from the beginning). I believe that God is still going to use Pres Trump one more time (he said, “The best is yet to come”) for this “miracle harvest” when the true-Church is revived and testifies to what God has done using Pres T, where we will be bold and of good courage to share the gospel mightily with everyone He puts in our path – though we don’t know how many will believe, but we will still do Jesus’ mission to spread the gospel; then we will look up for our Bridegroom, then end will commence (the Tribulation last 7 years). This is my hope in God, my Deliverer.

    • dcmi

      I have LONG hoped and believed in this concept of A LAST DAYS OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Many people know I was a preacher for years before I got into anything politics. Well, most of my ministry I have been hoping and praying for a World Wide Revival – that God would very literally pour out His Spirit on all flesh!! Im still believing for that and honestly its just been so many years. I have personally set foot in 25+ nations and preached in many of them… Its been a long life in some way… But by God’s grace I still have a flame burning inside of me… It still hasnt gone out or even diminished. By God’s grace. He WILL get all the glory… Its Jesus. He is the Mighty One. The Savior. A Friend of Sinners. The Blessing from the Father. The Apostle of our Faith. And Our Redeemer… Our Redeemer who Lives!! We are so blessed to know The King!! Amen. Love you Barb. Big hugs. Robert

  5. Chip M

    Very disappointing to see the poor result of the petition drive. You and others like you need more professional help to get things moving in the state of Michigan. It is obvious that the state of Michigan is full of bribery and corruption. I hope you can get the constitutional sheriffs organization involved to intervene and confiscate all election equipment involved with the mal-administration of the voting.

    • dcmi

      It is too hard to respond to this. So many of us poured our hearts and souls into saving Michigan and helping to restore the 2020 election. I personally worked 12-16 hours a day for four months trying to fix things in this state. Much of the MIGOP was against me. People within our movement lied about me, personally without a cause…. I could not give more than I did to the effort. Our effort had hundreds if not thousands of volunteers who worked very very hard – and some of them came under the same fire as I… If you want a list of all the GOP you should call to ask why they not only would not support our effort but lied about me personally, worked literally against me and our petition…? That might be productive? Michigan is in the state it is in because many of our “conservative” and “GOP” and “Christian” “leaders” are content to have it this way… and if you or me or someone who cares tried to fix it – they will oppose us without conscience… Robert


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